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Where's the exit? Is there an exit closer to my car?The exit is located on the south end of the entrance building. This is the only guest exit on the farm.The exit is located on the south end of the entrance building. This is the only guest exit on the farm.
Are the pumpkins free?Pumpkins are not included with admission. Pumpkins come in a wide variety of shapes, colors and sizes. They are priced accordingly and many are priced by weight, this allows each guest to choose the perfect pumpkin for them. Bring your pumpkins to the exit for purchase and grab a jar of jam, box of donuts, and a sack of kettle corn to enjoy on your way home
Can I leave and come back?You may exit and return on the same day after showing your entrance receipt and having your hand stamped. Just ask one of the exit cashiers.
Can I purchase goodies at the exit without paying admission?Certain items are available for purchase at the exit without having to enter the farm. Donuts, kettle corn, honey, and assorted jams, jellies and sauces are available while supplies last. Please speak to an exit monitor or cashier.
What's the best way to share my amazing photos with everyone?Here is a link to Google maps if you would like to share your experience or memorable photos with others! Or if you prefer TripAdvisor
What type of payments does Bengtson's Farm accept?VISA, Mastercard, Discover and American Express credit cards and most debit cards are accepted for payment. We also accept Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Can I use Apple wallet or Google pay?All forms of digital NFC or touchless payment options will work at our sales stations. The most common forms are Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Why is Bengtson's Farm Cashless?*Safety - Speed - Security* Our goal is for each guest's experience to be enjoyable & effortless. A cashless farm avoids unwanted errors, while making each transaction faster without the need to transact cash with our staff. Bengtson Farm is a Family owned and operated business, a cashless farm ensures the safety of your loved ones as well as our loved ones.
Can I use a Pre-Paid Visa/Debit card purchased or gifted to me?Yes. Any credit or debit card with the Visa or Mastercard logo can be accepted. However prepaid cards have rules and issues that we can not control. We can not verify the balance of any outside gift card. If a card does not have enough remaining funds to charge for a transaction the card will simply return a "Declined" error. We can accept partial payment from the remaining balance on a pre-paid card and finish with another credit or debit card.
Does the farm accept cash at the entrance or at any of the vendors?No. We will not be accepting cash at any sales station on the farm. There will be no food vendors or ticket sales areas that will accept cash for any reason on the farm.
How do I get in?Admission may be purchased at the entrance or purchased online. We are CASHLESS on the farm so you may use all U.S. based credit and debit cards, you can also use Apple Pay and other digital contactless payments at the entrance.
How old do I have to be to come alone?Guests & visitors must be 16 or older to visit without an adult. No individuals or groups of guests under the age of 16 may visit the farm without adult supervision.
Should I bring a Wagon or Stroller?YES! The farm is paved in almost all major pathways and attraction areas. A stroller or a wagon will make your day much more enjoyable.
Dress CodeYes, Bengtson's Farm has a dress code designed to maintain the park's family friendly environment. Any clothing considered offensive or indecent at the discretion of the Bengtson Family will not be permitted. Prohibited examples include: clothing articles that include profanity, obscene gestures, obscene statements, pictures of illegal substances, insignias of para-military groups and all gang related items or clothing. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times, including entering or leaving. Bengtson's Farm reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone who refuses to comply with the dress code.
Can I wear a costume?Costumes or disguises that conceal identity and adult full-face makeup are prohibited. No mask, wrap, or covering of any kind that conceals the identity of an adult will be permitted inside the farm.
Do kids get in for free?Children 1 year or less of age may enter without payment. All other guests admission is the same rate.
Can I bring my pet?No outside animal, except a service animal, is permitted inside the farm. Service animals are defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act as a dog or miniature horse that has been trained to perform a specific task to assist with a specific disability covered by the ADA. Neither the ADA nor the state of Illinois recognizes emotional support animals as service animals, and such animals will not be permitted entrance.
Do you have military/first-responder discounts?Any active duty or military veteran may enter for free. A military ID or DD-214 is required. Currently, only military personnel and veterans are eligible.
Do I have to pay for rides?Admission includes unlimited access to all the mechanical rides and attractions on the farm. It does not include live animal rides.
Can I bring outside food & drinks?NO outside food or drinks allowed. Visitors may bring water bottles. No glass or alcohol of any kind will be allowed. No catering or food deliveries will be permitted. All coolers will be searched. If visitors are found with restricted items inside the farm they may be asked to leave without a refund.
Where's the food?There is a wide variety of tasty treats available for your choosing. Check out our Eats and Treats page for more information.
Where are the bathrooms and changing stations?There are many porta-potties located throughout the farm. Each of the ADA porta-potties has a baby changing table. Unfortunately, there are no "real" bathrooms.
What about weather?Chicagoland weather is notorious for changing in an instant. The Fall Fest is a rain or shine event and no rain checks or refunds will be given. We will endeavor to continue full operation as long as it is safe to do so. Rides or attractions will only be closed in a weather event that creates an unsafe environment to operate the ride. If a ride is closed it will only be temporary until the unsafe conditions have passed such as lightning or high winds.
Visitor Restrictions and Rules1.We reserve the right to deny admission to any person wearing attire that we consider inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other Guests. Visible tattoos that depict vulgar or indecent illustrations or verbiage will need to be covered to maintain an atmosphere that is suitable for younger guests. 2. Vulgar language and offensive or aggressive behavior towards staff or other guests will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the property without a refund.
Do you have wheelbarrows to carry my pumpkins?YES! Wheelbarrows are available for guests to use while they search for the perfect pumpkin. The wheelbarrows are located next to the exit, (same building you enter through). Ask an exit cashier if there is no one available at the wheelbarrow station on weekdays.
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